
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

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So this weekend I got bit my my neighbors cat, right on the right calf. I was minding my own business walking up my stairs and the damn thing came from behind and bit me, then ran away like a punk. It’s bad enough that they leave cat food out on the back porch so that all our friendly ants can come and eat, but now thier cat has bit me?! This is ridiculous. Then to top it all off, the couch we’ve been waiting for for over six weeks doesn’t fit into our apartment, no matter how we try. We’d have to saw down a load bearing wall probably to get it in, and then there’s no guarantee we could get it back out when we move. So this week already sucks and it’s only Tuesday.

people on the train with their nytimes and their coffees, same thing every morning. I get bored just looking at them. All I do is try to sleep or play games on my PDA or read. I’m just as bad as they are. I make up stories about them and thier lives, hoping that they are interesting people and that I’m not sharing every morning and every evening for 40 minutes with a bunch of plain janes. i’m bored just thinking about it.