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So a lot’s been going on at work.I got a promotion which I feel fits very well, and I still get to work with people who I’ve been working with for a long time and that feels good. I’ve been neglecting this blog for so long because I’ve been busy, but also I feel it’s unfair to ramble on without attaching a picture of some kind. I don’t understand why anyone reads this blog to begin with, but having to read without some visual distractions must be even worse :). More to come…

I went during lunch today to look at the American Indian Art display for auction at Christie’s. I had been reading the catalog all weekend and there were so many things I wanted to see and get the chance to touch. When I went today they only had a few of the rugs on display, all of the rest had been taken away in preparation for the auction. I would have had to ask one of the specialists to bring me back into the rooms where the stuff was stored, and I figured I didn’t have enough time to do that, so I went back to work after seeing the rugs. I guess I am disappointed, I did really want to see the pottery. It would be up close with no glass between. There were some exceptionally beautiful rugs, though. This one in particular.


of classic form, finger woven with commercial wool in yellow, blue, ivory and black, mountain goat’s wool and twisted cedar bark fiber, with a highly stylized totemic crest design, probably representing a killer whale, composed of typical conventionalized formline elements, a panel of long twisted fringe at bottom, smaller panels of twisted and plaited fringe along the sides, with tag sewn onto the reverse, inscribed, 1-
Dimensions: 70 x 35 in. (177.8 x 88.9 cm.)

Well there is new news from the world of Mayan Archeology this morning.

“A jade figurine, partly uncovered from a tomb in the Pyramid of the Moon near Mexico City, appears to be carved in a Maya style.” -The New York Times

This means that the two cultures of Teotihuacan and the Mayans had contact with each other. Up until this point, Archeologists were looking to find a link, if any, between the two. This is very exciting news for me, since I am interested in all things Pre-Columbian.

On a somewhat weirder note, yesterday my neighbor left a piece of mail out for me that had been mistakenly put in with hers. It was a letter that turned out to be from an inmate at a prison (delivered to my home address!) asking if I would write to him. He said that a Deacon at my parent’s church had given him my address and so he sent the letter. I called my mother right away, and she called the deacon, and the deacon said that she had never given out any home addresses, but then they realized that in the Church bulletin they print change of addresses. And the church bulletin is sent to everyone, including these inmates at the prison that are associated with this letter writing program. My father writes to someone, but the letters get sent to the church, and then passed out to the respective people. Nothing is ever mailed to his home. Well, this was quite scary for a while last night, but I guess I’m not supposed to worry because he doesn’t get out of jail until 2015. Small consolation when I think about what he must have done to be put in jail for so long in the first place. WEIRD.