
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

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First day back at work after so many days away of moving. Being transient seems to be my current state, everything is unsettled and up in the air. At least it HAS been. First the roller coaster of trying to find an apartment in Brooklyn with Sarah and not go broke in the process, then the actual moving in, all those boxes, so much paper, so much dirt… Everything gets so dirty.

I am so proud of Jeff and I. We had been together 24 hours a day for the past two weeks, through both of our moves, through 18″ of snow in NYC, both of us being sick and very exhausted & grumpy. Not one fight! (unless you count me flipping out about how he left the bathroom floor all wet after his shower ;). Thanks for putting up with me Jeff. Did I mention that I LOVE animal crackers?!

The most amazing part of all these past few weeks (besides the wonderful family Christmas, the chance to see Jesse and Cory at home again, meeting Jeff’s family for the first time) was the Buena Vista Social Club concert! My life changes every time I hear the music, and now I have seen them in person, heard their sounds, seen their amazingly playful and powerful manner. It was wonderful; it has been a wonderful New Year already!