
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

Ellie wants me to write more, so I have decided to make an effort to try. I feel very reserved because so many family members and friends read this site (who am I kidding, I shouldn’t flatter myself), but I do know that two important people do regularly… Jessica and Ellie, and even if just those two read – I guess I AM flattered.

Today I am proud of how I have been eating. For breakfast I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (actually that was at about 5AM this morning when I woke up and I was starving cause it was too hot to eat last night. Then I had part of a bagel with cream cheese (bad) but then for lunch I had a very sensible chicken sandwich (and a chocolate chip cookie – bad). So maybe I’m not so proud :) – At least I’m not eating fistfuls of chocolate from the nice ladies in the front of the office. That was last week.

I have been printing out lists of galleries and instructions for submitting work for display. As soon as I actually think of starting the process of dropping off my work I get paralyzed. I can’t seem to get past that point. I have a major self-confidence crisis. MAJOR. Got to work through it.