
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

I got a trim yesterday but it just looks like a big poofy mess because of the rain today. I couldn’t find my umbrella so I had to walk to the train without one, but I bought one at grand central, so I wouldn’t have to walk to work in the rain.

The VMA’s are today right down the street. Yesterday afternoon that girl Avril something or other was singing that “popular” song over and over again. They have a stage set up across the street from Radio City, and we can hear it all the way over here like someone had their radio on really loud. It’s kindof awe inspiring that all of these people will be right down the street, all those egos and thousands of dollars a person to dress them up. Is it worth it? It will be raining anyway, I wonder how they all manage that.

I am signing off for a few days, but will return with relaxation and pictures to share. Enjoy your holiday.