
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

Yesterday I got my wisdom teeth out, all 4. All I remember is being nervous waiting for it to happen and then nothing after they stuck my arm with the anesthesia. I woke up in a nice little bed covered with a blanket, and having gauze all stuffed in my mouth. They brought Jeff in and he sat with me and I could sit up. The Dr. said that I have very dense bone, and that may be why I have a lot of pain, but that in later life I will be happy to have that (osteoporosis and all). Can’t say I can see past the painkillers right now though. Just woke up to have some jello so I can take more painkiller and the antibiotics. They make me pukey. On the whole though I’m just complaining for sympathy, it could have been a lot worse.

Good night.