
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

I’ve been writing down all my dreams (or trying to) because most of my photography comes from that, especially my digital works. Two of my ex-boyfriends have been visiting me constantly and I don’t know what it means. They are the ones that I feel I have the most unfinished business with, but they always have some sort of role in my dreams. It would be nice to exorcise those demons (not that they are the devil), I can’t seem to have a “normal” dream without one of them popping up.

Normal is a very relative term, however. Normal dreams for me have me waking up yelling and talking in my sleep, like all my action adventure dreams, or the ones where I find myself alone in a car on the passengers side having to drive or use the breaks on the drivers side, or the ones where my EX-BOYFRIENDS show up all the time!!!! Believe me it gets much more interesting than that… Maybe I’ll let you know about my next dream, assuming I’m in the mood.