
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

Walking to or from work I tend to ruminate on the idea that walking through the streets in Manhattan during rush hour is a lot like Frogger. It is worse however, in the evening rush hour when you notice that people are MUCH more anxious to get home as they are to get to work in the morning.

Walking along the street it’s mostly just crowded, but once you get to a cross-street, the amphibian in you must stand up and be counted! People are coming, you move to the right, slow down, jump ahead, fake right, then left and hope that you get past all the pedestrians going at different speeds just for a chance to wait at the curb for the sign to say WALK so you can start everything all over again. Maybe it’s more like a huge game of basketball, where instead of making shots and sinking baskets, your goal is to just get safely to the transportation of choice where you can sit (or stand) and let it take you the rest of the way home.