
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

SO I just got back late last night from a trip to Rochester, NY. Cheryl’s cookies and cupcakes are still amazing! Time does make them seem even better however.

I got to see all the people I used to work will and that was fun. I feel a lot of good momentum at work now, I just hope everyone can hold on until this rough spot smoothes itself out. I learned so much and got so much accomplished this week that I really feel good. It was so nice to hang out with Christen too, she’s super fun. I had a great time at her place and then visiting her boyfriend’s apartment late on Wednesday night. Her boyfriend’s roommate is someone I definitely wouldn’t kick out of bed. Tasty! Anyway…

I haven’t been doing my karate homework, or eating very well this week. I can’t help it, I just can’t resist Cheryl’s ninja sugar magic (or the chocolate cake at the Hyatt). I was also so happy to see the new additions to the world by the names of Abby and Wyatt. It was so much fun to see how they light up thier mother’s faces. Go Cindy and Kelly! You are supermoms!

Next week I am off to New Hampshire for work. Hopefully I’ll have some good stories for you when I return.