
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

Before I go through my weekend for you, let me unveil an homage to Pro (in the form of a badly rhymed poem).

I have a co-worker named Pro,
I wish I could learn all he knows,
He never gets mean,
But might give a scream,
When ocassionally I call him a “ho”

La Mala EducacionLa Mala EducacionLa Mala Educacion

Not only did I go to the BBQ Block Party in Manhattan this weekend, I saw three great movies. First, on Friday after work I went to see Mad Hot Ballroom with Vicki and Keng. It was great to walk around the city (even though it was so hot) and then go to watch a movie that takes place there.

All the movies I saw this weekend were A+ movies. Mad Hot Ballroom is worth the humbling experience when you realize that kids who are 8 know more about life then you do.

La Mala Educacion (Bad Education) was riveting and a great addition to Almodovar’s library.

Advise and Consent was incredible. It must have been ground-breaking for it’s time.

I would reccommend all of these movies. Let me know if you’ve seen any of them and weather you liked them or not.