
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

Remembering a giant of the Providence underground

So this might sound weird – but I went to nursery school or kindergarden with his son. Zane Claverie. My parents knew thier family – and I think I remember being near the church garden and having him pick my dad and I up at the same time. Not sure why I have this random memory, but there it is.

Whenever I would see him in a movie I would have to point out to everyone that I knew him. I have no idea what his life has been like – but it’s a terrible thing when someone feels so much despair that they have to end it all. I wish I could send his family a card and let them know that I am thinking about them.

Zane, if you’re out there – you probably have no idea who I am, but I have been thinking about you.


One Comment

  1. pastelgirl #
    October 31, 2005

    Just look up Charles Claverie on internet white pages and you will find an address. They also have a listing for Zane.

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