
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

Leisha ShoreyI took pictures of an actress named Leisha Shorey this weekend. Memorize her photo on the left – she’s got star power.

Oddly, they were filming The Devil Wears Prada outside work today. I think I saw Meryl Streep running down the street.

I just had my first trick or treater in my apartment. She wasn’t old enough to talk, but she was old enough to eat a snickers with the wrapper on. Ah! I love Halloween!



  1. November 1, 2005

    Once again, we received no trick-or-treaters. Three years running now. :) I would think our house would be traditionally scary. No neighbors for a half mile, no street lights, and no sidewalks. Perfectly scary for lil’ kids.

  2. Jay #
    November 3, 2005

    We didn’t have any last year or this year either but Lisa still bought the bags of candy, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t for the kids :)

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