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Ami BachchanSo Sandeep and I were walking out to grab some lunch after a particularly rough conference call… As soon as we walked out onto the street we saw Mike Meyers (you know, Austin Powers). So then we decide to go to the soup lady and on the way back Sandeep notices his own famous person. He said that we had just seen one of the most famous Indian actors.

Amitabh Bachchan (I’m sure I’m butchering his name). Everyone in the know about Indian superstars back at work was very impressed. If his body guard was any indication of his fame, he’s HUMONGOUSLY famous.

Shaun of the DeadI can’t remember what night this movie was on, but I think I had come home late after being out for a while and had my heart set on falling asleep.

Usually nothing can stop me from sleep, but little did I know! I got over how gross this movie was right when they start throwing records at the zombies. Take it from someone who has owned Michael Jackson, Thriller on record, tape, MiniDisk and CD – that scene was hilarious.

Leisha ShoreyI took pictures of an actress named Leisha Shorey this weekend. Memorize her photo on the left – she’s got star power.

Oddly, they were filming The Devil Wears Prada outside work today. I think I saw Meryl Streep running down the street.

I just had my first trick or treater in my apartment. She wasn’t old enough to talk, but she was old enough to eat a snickers with the wrapper on. Ah! I love Halloween!