
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

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Leisha ShoreyI took pictures of an actress named Leisha Shorey this weekend. Memorize her photo on the left – she’s got star power.

Oddly, they were filming The Devil Wears Prada outside work today. I think I saw Meryl Streep running down the street.

I just had my first trick or treater in my apartment. She wasn’t old enough to talk, but she was old enough to eat a snickers with the wrapper on. Ah! I love Halloween!

Remembering a giant of the Providence underground

So this might sound weird – but I went to nursery school or kindergarden with his son. Zane Claverie. My parents knew thier family – and I think I remember being near the church garden and having him pick my dad and I up at the same time. Not sure why I have this random memory, but there it is.

Whenever I would see him in a movie I would have to point out to everyone that I knew him. I have no idea what his life has been like – but it’s a terrible thing when someone feels so much despair that they have to end it all. I wish I could send his family a card and let them know that I am thinking about them.

Zane, if you’re out there – you probably have no idea who I am, but I have been thinking about you.

The Best Show Ever
God help me, I’m so naive. I thought I could live without a TV. Hah! That was before I found Epitafios, chiquitos. Hijo de PUTA this show is awesome. It’s like an NC-17 version of CSI, and it’s in Spanish!

It takes place in Argentina and there is all sorts of crazy shit going on. All I know is that at least one person has died, I should always do my science lab assignments very carefully, and that everyone in the world smokes. And oh yeah – there is a transvestite hooker and a viejo in a wheelchair too! Fun for everyone. Oh – and I almost forgot something else – Hijo de Puta!

Talib Qweli – Jurassic 5
I plan to spend a lot of my money here soon. I need to fill up some of my blank walls with posters, and I think I hit the jackpot with this site. You probably can’t see it in the upper left corner of the picture above but it says

“Don’t lose hope. With a little practice, you’ll be dope!”

I think I’ve found a new mantra.