
"H20, Hip Hop and Oxygen" – HBMS

Poseidon So I went to see Poseidon on Friday night and it was awful.

Luckily it was a ton of fun because I was there with great friends and I saw it in IMAX so my senses were fully engaged. It was a great night, but the movie was TERRIBLE. Someone said they read a review that said this movie is not kind to minorities and I agree. THEY ALL DIE. Oh shit I gave it away – well let’s just say they don’t all drown.

I keep thinking of funny captions for this picture, but I have a strange sense of humor so I’ll spare you. If you can think of any, leave a comment.

Happy Mother’s Day y’all.



  1. Jay #
    May 18, 2006

    “What have I done to my career???”

  2. Ed #
    June 4, 2006

    Thanks …you just saved me money and effort….besides….the remakes almost always never live up to the original. Nice blog, btw… have intruiging interests for 27….

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